Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Daughter!

I am sure most of you know that I love my daughter India. She is the best thing in my life! Ever since I had her when I was 18 I have taken all responsibility to make sure she is safe, that she has everything she will ever need or want. It has been hard but I have sacrificed alot to do so. I haven't had too much outside help other than pretty much my friends support. I would trade nothing for her and even though I haven't had the life I have always dreamt of I am happy.
Most of you know that her "sperm donor" dad hasn't been in the picture too much. I did live with him for a while but that whole time he was controlling, abusive mentally and physically, took advantage of me and my money. I had so many things I had to pay off or debt I found my self in because of him he also managed to loose alot of my person items that held very sentimental value to me. It was the worst year of my life but I got through it. I paid everything off and my credit was never harmed. (Thank God!) After moving he didn't try to see her much at all but I was willing to work with him so he is in her life. (don't ask me why.) With all my attempts to help him out he never really tried to be apart of her life.
Eventually we moved on I found the love of my life and he came into India's life. Since then we have moved to Virginia, away from everything. We are planning on getting married and possibly Patrick to adopt India after. Patrick is India's daddy, she loves him and he lover her and our family is complete.
Three months away from our wedding and I hear that Joey wants to make a "Comeback" and he wrote a whole crappy blog to that affect:

Today is a new day, Today is my Comeback! Current mood: confident
The are only a few things you can take out of a persons life, friends come and go all the time, people mess up and lose there homes there cars and the way of life (Damn you Bush hahaha) but one thing that you will never be able to strip from a person is there heart, and there family............ As long as you have the heart to stand up and fight for what you know you deserve, you know that you love, you know that no one else should try and take part of or replace then you will have the will to continue, the will to change your life around for the better and take back what you know should have not been taken away from you to begin with. There is no one (NO ONE!!!!) that can stop you or stand in your way...... this is something that a certain someone is about to find out very soon, that no matter how much you take from that person, with the heart they have inside them, they will COMEBACK and not for revange, not to destroy your life or your hope, but just to take back which rightfully belongs to them, i have made my COMEBACK, you will see my return (no drama intended).

Daddy loves his baby!

I guess he never loved her enough before since he didn't do much before. Oh and all that crap about how he is going to take back what is rightfully his like she is some object. And that she was taken away from him. For your information when I moved I told him that he can come out to see her when ever he wants. That he would have to help out with child support about $500 a month and the month that he wants to see her then he doesn't have to pay so he can use that money towards a plane ticket or whatever. I thought that was super nice. I never took him to court for child support or anything, mainly cuz he was not on the birth certificate and I really never wanted him on it. I have just gotten used to our family with out him in it. I couldn't imagine India going with someone she doesn't even know, she doesn't remember him at all. He doesn't know anything that has gone on with her in the last year or so. Why now! I also watched Gone Baby Gone after I read and got stressed about this whole situation. Not the best movie to watch when you are scared about someone else trying to take your child.

If anyone has any suggestions, I am all up for it! Thanks for reading!

Here our some pics of the family:


Anonymous said...

Good luck. I think you have a strong case ;)

Kerri W. said...

Honestly, I think that all his words are a bunch of hot air. If he hontestly, honestly wanted to have some place in India's life, then we would have shown interest a whole lot sooner than now. He can't just jump in and out of her life whenever he's "ready to make a comeback". What's that about, anyway? Gah, that makes me mad.

You have the sweetest little family, and I truly wish you all the blessings in the world. I've always been so proud of how you've held your head up and been so strong throughout all life has thrown at you. I'm so glad that you found yourself a wonderful man to love you and take care of you - what you always deserved! And your daughter is such a little mini-me...adorable.

I wouldn't worry about anything with the "other guy". Honestly, if he feels like writing about what his plans are on a myspace blog (which I'm only assuming is where you found that), then I'm almost positive that it has no merit whatsoever.

Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

He just sounds jealous. I don't know much about anything here, I just stumbled across your blog for the first time today, but it sounds like the fact that you are getting married to another man has (finally) kicked in, and yes, India doesn't have that man's blood in him, but is more her 'daddy' than your ex will ever be.
Don't worry about this too much. You sound like you are in such a good place in your life.
Hope it all goes well