Saturday, December 29, 2007


I really don't know where to start... I just found out I lost a friend. Its so shocking! Im still just praying its not true.

We shared so many memories and we did alot of dumb things. We were untouchable at 16. We both shared the same views towards our families and our dislike and rebellion for the religion we were raised in. We both headed down the same path and got pregnant at the age of 18. Except that she still kept going... hanging out with the wrong crowd and partying. I can't blame her...she was just a 20 year old trying to have a little fun. I guess she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I haven't seen her in over a year. She was pregnant then, still having me run her up and down the street in my car since she didn't have one yet. We would laugh so hard and just have a good time. We were both boy crazy and made any excuse to go see a guy. We would lie to our parents and go out and have out "covert ops" and call them funny names like "Operation Peach Cobbler" that was the best time. She is still my friend on here and we would leave each other comments once in a while and I even visted her page not that long ago. Its just shocking that she's not here anymore.

It really makes me realize how greatful I am for what I have now and really greatful that I didnt go down the same path. Also it just makes me realize how much my friends mean to me...whether old or new or even if we don't talk so much anymore. I cried the second I heard and I am sure I would with anyone of my friends. I am expecially sad for the family, to loose someone so young. And of course her 1 year old son. He won't know what a great person she was...even though she made some bad desicions. It didnt have to end like that.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

To the NEW YEAR!

Christmas is over! It went by so fast… I had so much fun though. I got everything I wanted… (Which wasn’t much) and so much more! I got a much needed new camera…its very small and sleek, I love it! I of course loved everyone’s reaction to what I got them; it makes me feel good when I know someone truly likes something I bought them. Patrick has been glued to his PSP ever since Christmas Eve (when we opened the presents). I even went to church with Patrick’s family, I felt a little awkward just because in the Catholic churches they repeat things back to the speaker and I couldn’t follow what they were saying. Also I was one of the only people still sitting when everyone went up to get the communion. It wasn’t that bad and I think it would be good to start going regularly for India’s sake. I think it’s good to grow up with religion.

So now it’s on to the New Year!! I am making all kinds of new years resolutions. I am going to start eating healthier and working out regularly. I have gained a lot of weight in the past month or so and I need to loose it before the wedding or even before I go dress shopping. Also a money “diet” I need to stop spending money on things I don’t need, like eating out, which is a big one. And also a cleaning routine, I like to keep our place clean but sometimes it gets messy and I feel like I’m always cleaning hard core, so if we regularly pick up after our selves and not wait for it to be a mess to clean it I think it would work a lot better. Patrick and I are going to sit down and write everything out that we would like to change and make a schedule for everything. Hopefully we stick to it! =)

Anyway, it’s been a crazy year, full of changes and new experiences. I am looking forward to what the New Year is going to bring and I’m so excited for the things I already know are to come!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

Wow it’s almost Christmas!!! I totally love Christmas, it just makes me feel loved by everyone! I super excited that I get to spend Christmas with the Early family here in Virginia. I am also enjoying learning all that Christmas entails; there is so much I never knew about all the traditions. *** I did not grow up celebrating holidays so I’m sorta new to all this!*** I got a Christmas tree (fake) with lights but its so pretty and I even got festive candles to make my house just smell like Christmas time! I LOVE IT! I love the giving …and the receiving ;) hehee

I’m actually super excited to open my gifts this year because I have no clue what they are so it’s going to be a great surprise. I also love the way ppl light up when they open gifts…it gives me just this warm nice feeling inside! Patrick knows what I got him and is so excited to finally open it up and use it! (shhhh it’s a PSP) It just makes me so happy.

I feel sorry for the JWs of the world who have not gotten to experience this time of year. I guess if you are that strong in your beliefs it shouldn’t matter, I guess that’s why I strayed…I always thought I was missing out on something!

But anyway…no matter what holiday you are (or not) celebrating…Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid, or Christmas… Be safe and Be HAPPY!

Friday, December 7, 2007

First snowfall of Winter and my life!

SNOW! It was the first snowfall of Winter the other day! I loved it. It was so pretty! I have never lived anywhere where it snowed before and have only seen it snow once before in my life so this was a big thing for me. =)

I loved how everything looked when all the snow was on the ground...just white and beautiful!!!

See for yourself:

That is what I saw when I woke up that next morning...absolutely beautiful!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wedding Nightmares!

Its already December...O.M.G where the heck did this year go?!?!

That being said I only have...what...about 6 months to plan this wedding and I have barely done anything!!! I had a nightmare last night that is was already June and I had nothing one ended up coming and I didn't even know where my wedding was going to be.

Sadly the picture below is no longer available...I had no idea that it would be over a years waiting list. Unless I want to get married on a Thursday, it's not going to happen. However, I do have good news, my co-worker (well actually ex-co-worker cuz she just quit) lives with her parents on a 5 acre lot and has offered her yard for my wedding. That is great for me cuz it cuts a huge cost. I have to come up with a guest list and just start buying things. After I loose at least these last 5 lbs I put on during Thanksgiving I can go dress shopping... I can't wait! I just wish I had all my girls here to go with me.

I'm excited. And if anyone reading this has any ideas for me regarding a wedding I am totally open!!

Thanx! Luv ya guys!