Monday, January 14, 2008

Recent Wedding News

I should apologize for my long blog below. The most important thing was in the first paragraph so I don’t mind if you don’t read the whole thing…I was just going on about how dumb my neighbors below us are.

Anywho, in regards to my previous blog about my wedding being…not so much what I was planning…forget that! Once Patrick’s parents found out they offered to help out a little with the cost. They said they really thought it would be great for the family to get together in a nice formal setting so they’d like to help. I think things are going to be a little different though…instead of my much dreamed up outdoor wedding I think we are going to opt for a nice catholic wedding (mainly for Patrick’s parents). I am just a little nervous about what my parents are going to think since they are the most devout of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I know they will be disappointed. However, they have to realize that I have chosen a different path in life out side of the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion. They are pretty much already disappointed in me so what is one more thing. Also they aren’t helping out with the wedding cost so they don’t have much say in how I plan it. Oh and this is all only if they decide to come.

That’s pretty much it as far as recent news goes. Patrick and I have been working all weekend potty training India. After a few accidents she finally started getting the whole letting us know before its too late thing down on Sunday night. To any mommies out there: if you have any suggestions or know anything that really worked for you, I am up for suggestions! Also any ideas for wedding planning on a budget would be most appreciated.



Anonymous said...

You write very well.