Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I hate being sick!

So I am sick at home, I haven't had too much time to keep this updated so I will do my best right now.

I have had so many things on my mind. I have also been keeping busy with some friends and just life things.

First of all there are two amazing girls that I used to work with a few years ago at Disneyland that are here in Virginia. I am so happy that I have them here because I would be so lonely with out them. I really didn't know these two girls too well when I worked with them but I am so happy that I have gotten this opportunity to...they are truly nice people. I found out that because of all the drama that happened when I got pregnant and since I was not there to tell everyone the truth, they heard things from someone else. I cannot believe all the things that were said about me. I don't blame Adriana and Kathleen for not knowing what to think of me at first but it really hurt the things they really though of me just from this dumb person spreading lies so he can get people to feel bad for him. It sucks to think that there are probably people who think those things about me when they haven't gotten the chance to get the real story.

If you haven't already guessed who the person spreading the lies is...its Joey (India's sperm donor). I have done all I am going to do with him. He has called up my friends trying to get information from them about what I am doing and he won't even call me and just ask. He doesn't show that he really cares for his daughter but wants pictures so he can go show people and get responses back like; "Oh you are such a good father" or "She looks just like you" or even "Your baby's mama is such a bitch for taking your daughter away from you"...all of which is bull shit. I have tried to work things out with him and I have no problem with him in her life. I just would like him to help support her also. He has only given me $150 in the last 6 or 7 months. I was very appreciative of the money he did send and we spent it all on new clothes for India. But when he calls up and says that he cant pay me more because he is broke... and then turns around and tells my friend that he is going to Vegas on vacation and can pay for it now because he has a better job now. We can obviously see where his priorities are!


Kerri W. said...

You know, I wouldn't put too much thought into what people said when you first became pregnant with India. To be honest, I'm sure people respected you more than anything (I know I sure did) because you took charge of the situation and stood proudly, ready to deal with what a child would bring. That's much more than many girls your age would have done!

I'm so glad you have Kathy and Adri there with you - how random is that? Three California girls on the East coast. :) I don't know if I'll be able to visit within the next year or so, but if I do, we should have a Disney girls reunion!

Good luck with everything; I hope you know that I've been nothing but proud and admiring of you with all you've done. And you've got alot of life left in you, so I look forward to seeing where it will take you!

(And I hope you feel bettah soon.) :)