Thursday, December 27, 2007

To the NEW YEAR!

Christmas is over! It went by so fast… I had so much fun though. I got everything I wanted… (Which wasn’t much) and so much more! I got a much needed new camera…its very small and sleek, I love it! I of course loved everyone’s reaction to what I got them; it makes me feel good when I know someone truly likes something I bought them. Patrick has been glued to his PSP ever since Christmas Eve (when we opened the presents). I even went to church with Patrick’s family, I felt a little awkward just because in the Catholic churches they repeat things back to the speaker and I couldn’t follow what they were saying. Also I was one of the only people still sitting when everyone went up to get the communion. It wasn’t that bad and I think it would be good to start going regularly for India’s sake. I think it’s good to grow up with religion.

So now it’s on to the New Year!! I am making all kinds of new years resolutions. I am going to start eating healthier and working out regularly. I have gained a lot of weight in the past month or so and I need to loose it before the wedding or even before I go dress shopping. Also a money “diet” I need to stop spending money on things I don’t need, like eating out, which is a big one. And also a cleaning routine, I like to keep our place clean but sometimes it gets messy and I feel like I’m always cleaning hard core, so if we regularly pick up after our selves and not wait for it to be a mess to clean it I think it would work a lot better. Patrick and I are going to sit down and write everything out that we would like to change and make a schedule for everything. Hopefully we stick to it! =)

Anyway, it’s been a crazy year, full of changes and new experiences. I am looking forward to what the New Year is going to bring and I’m so excited for the things I already know are to come!