Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Urban Dictionary

Yay for Urban, for the not very urban Cuban that I am. I wanted to look up some words I have recently heard first one was “parking lot” I have heard this in a lot of songs lately and had no clue what the heck it meant. I heard it first in that “lovey dovey kiss kiss kiss” song I think it was during Chris Browns part after singing about his Lamborghini he says, “we parkin lot”. At first thought I thought it was something like doin it in the car or something but what I found on Urban Dictionary was totally off my thought: “n. The parking lot is the space between a woman's vagina and anus where the man's scrotum can "park" Ewwww… that’s nasty! I also don’t see how that would be such a good thing that you even sing about it. Weird! (oh and I like how it underlines certain words so I can look those up as well if I am not sure of the meaning… =P)

The second one was “Hyphy” I saw this on my friends myspace, “Jessx gets Hyphy” so I looked it up…
1 : dangerous and irrational: CRAZY;
2 : amusingly eccentric; without inhibition: GOOFY

That sounds like it is more on that the other definition and it makes sense. So I’m glad I learned something! =)

On another note… I have been super busy with work and planning my wedding. I haven’t had too much time to update my blogs but then again I don’t want to bore people with wedding stuff. I will say that I did buy my dress…its simple and elegant and a great price and I have just about booked my reception venue.

My job has been super stressful in the past few weeks but I am looking up because I read my horoscope and things are going to pay off soon! I go on Astrology it is Susan Millers website, she is the one who writes all the horoscopes in the big magazines… she is awesome and even if it is not true it makes me have a more positive outlook on things. It does sometimes scare me with how accurate it can be so I highly recommend at least taking a look.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Good Die Young

I have realized I don’t handle death that easily. Lately it seems to be everywhere; all these young people are dying. My friend Jackie, then Brad Renfro (I don’t think a lot of people know him but I had the biggest crush on him when he played Tom in Tom and Huck) and now Heath Ledger. It really has made me realize how precious life is and how anyone can go at any time. I feel as if I don’t have enough time. I’m not ready to go yet and I wish I could be certain it wont happen for a long long time but there is no way of knowing. It’s scary…

My heart goes out to those who have past and their families. May they rest in peace.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Recent Wedding News

I should apologize for my long blog below. The most important thing was in the first paragraph so I don’t mind if you don’t read the whole thing…I was just going on about how dumb my neighbors below us are.

Anywho, in regards to my previous blog about my wedding being…not so much what I was planning…forget that! Once Patrick’s parents found out they offered to help out a little with the cost. They said they really thought it would be great for the family to get together in a nice formal setting so they’d like to help. I think things are going to be a little different though…instead of my much dreamed up outdoor wedding I think we are going to opt for a nice catholic wedding (mainly for Patrick’s parents). I am just a little nervous about what my parents are going to think since they are the most devout of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I know they will be disappointed. However, they have to realize that I have chosen a different path in life out side of the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion. They are pretty much already disappointed in me so what is one more thing. Also they aren’t helping out with the wedding cost so they don’t have much say in how I plan it. Oh and this is all only if they decide to come.

That’s pretty much it as far as recent news goes. Patrick and I have been working all weekend potty training India. After a few accidents she finally started getting the whole letting us know before its too late thing down on Sunday night. To any mommies out there: if you have any suggestions or know anything that really worked for you, I am up for suggestions! Also any ideas for wedding planning on a budget would be most appreciated.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Goin Strong

Instead of weighting myself on Monday mornings I switched to Saturday mornings since I don't do so well over the weekends. I made it to the gym 4 times in my 5 day week between weighing! I am watching what I eat and have been doing pretty well! So when I got on the scale on Saturday morning I was surprised to find out I lost another 3 pounds! So that is 4 pounds lost since the new year! YAY! I'm gonna keep it going and hopefully by summer I can have my bikini body.

Patrick and I are looking for a new place. We like our apartment but we don't have a balcony or anything to really go outside and sit. So we are looking for a nice townhouse so we can have a place of our own oh and a roommate, Its just too expensive out here!

Everything was going fine with our apartments until a few weeks ago our neighbor from down stairs came up and said we were making too much noise. I told her I'm not sure what it could be, and that I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter but there is nothing we can really do about her, she just runs around but I know its not that loud and she goes to bed at 7:30pm. She said we are so loud and its from 6am to 1am, I proceeded to tell her that cannot be us then because we don't get up until 7:30 and we work then after India goes to bed we go to bed at 10:30. I told her to check with the next door neighbors since they just moved in not too long ago. She didn't say much and just left, didn't check at all with the people next door!

So the next week I was home with India and Patrick went to the gym. I was on the computer like usual and India was up playing (again not being too loud) and the girl from down stairs came up again. She said we really need to stop being so loud, I again told her I had no clue what she was talking about since India wasn't being loud and its not like its in the middle of the night or anything. She said its all day everyday! I said I am not home all day everyday, I work and then we don't stay up late at all, I said I'm not a morning person and don't get up at 6. She raised her voice and demanded who it could be if it is not us. I pointed next door and she said no it cannot be them since our kitchen is right above hers. (not to sure what that has to do with it). Then she yelled that she was going to go to the office and tell them we too loud and ran down stairs...I told her "go ahead!"

That annoyed me so much since we have always done what we could to not make too much noise. India got a Christmas present from her grandparents and it was a little thing she can ride and it bounced but we figured it would make too much noise so we kept it at Patrick's parents house. Anywho, I called Patrick all upset that this dumb girl just yelled at me and wont believe that its not us making so much noise. He went over to their apartment to ask them to stop knocking on our door because it is not us and as soon as the girl opened the door and saw who it was she slammed the door in his face! He knocked harder! The guy came to the door and Patrick told him not to knock on our door again and the guy said that they will settle it tomorrow and closed the door. Not knowing what to think of the whole thing, Patrick went to the office and let them know what was going on and if anything happened to any of our things that the guy sounded like he was trying to threaten us. They just said ok.

Patrick got a call from the manager of the apartments the next day and explained that the people down stairs made a complaint about us being loud and how they supposedly came to our door asking us nicely to be quiet and then that Patrick went over there threatening them! OMG! What liars...she came to me all mad and yelling at me. So I am not too happy, the manager didn't want to listen to Patrick and only wanted to believe the dumb people down stairs! I've sorta been loud now...we are only here for another 2 months or so so I am gonna be loud...even though its not really loud and its only during the day because like I said I am not up to late or that early and I'm at work all day. It kept me up a few nights since I was just so upset that they are being so mean. I listened to all the noises I heard at night and was just more upset cuz it wasn't us and I'm sure the people downstairs still thought it was.

Anywho they really cant do much. They think they are going to get us kicked out but they cant prove we are being loud and even if they call the cops, unless it is after 10 or something I don't think they can do much. So if they hear something at 1 in the morning and want to call the cops on us go ahead cuz they are just going to find that we were sleeping. I can't wait to leave this place now! Getting a townhouse will make it so we wont have to worry about dumb neighbors that think we are too loud! SO wish us luck that we just find a nice place in our price range!

Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 So Far...

It’s a week into the New Year and I am so far been doing pretty good about my new years resolutions…

As for my diet: I was doing so good Tuesday to Friday, eating 1000 to 1500 calories a day, and good things for you too. Saturday I slipped a little and got back on track on Sunday. I was so excited to weigh myself this morning and see how my hard work has paid off! I get up go to the bathroom, relieve myself (don’t want that extra water weight) and weigh myself and what does it say? ONLY 1 POUND LIGHTER. I swear I though it was going to be 4 or 5 but no just 1. Instead of being discouraged like I would usually get I’ve just gotten more determined to loose this dumb weight I have put on! So I am going to try harder and exercise more and we will see where I am a week from now!

As for the money diet: We have been doing ok. I made a huge and very hard decision the other day. Instead of the wedding I was planning on having, Patrick and I have decided to go to the court and get married and have a small reception type thing after. I figure it wasn’t worth spending thousands of dollars on something so small that only about 50 people would be attending, if that. So we are opting out and deciding on saving the money and doing something small and then a nice honeymoon, (planning on a cruise to the Caribbean). Its hard knowing you won’t have what you have dreamed of your whole life, but my parents weren’t going to help out and we can always renew our vows later and have a nice ceremony then. It will be better this way, or I just need to keep telling myself that.

Other than all that, things have been going pretty well. We are looking for a new place when out lease ends in March. We are looking for a nice townhouse with a yard to rent with a roommate. I’m sick of living in an apartment and having to worry about how loud you are and make sure your not walking too hard so your neighbors below don’t get mad. So I just hope it works out and we get a nice place. Wish us luck!